Leticia Rita

Leticia Rita

(São Paulo 1973)

Degree in arts from the University Center of Fine Arts of São Paulo.

Joined “The Studio” (2015), Jaqueline Martins Gallery, curated by Bruno Mendonça, happening Radio “we are all radio creatures” (2015), websynradio, sound publication “s / t” (2014) “Poetics of the Handmade Hand “curated by Juliana Monachesi in AOM Gallery (2013),” Rites Wasteland “(2012) at the Arts Palace subsoil – SP,” Well married “(2012) in Brazilian engraving, design Occupation Pipa (2012) , residing in the Praça Victor Civita, integrated Vitrinas Projects MASP / TRIANON (2012) and shows how the SAMAP in Sydney (2013) Videos unveils integrated to Mercosul Biennial (2011/2012) in Porto Alegre and Recife, the Para art (2010), April Hall in Fortaleza (2009), Hall Atibaia / SP (2009), and exhibitions like the Skyline Nomad – in MUMA of Curitiba, 48 Hours – (2002) occupation of a large house in Cambuci / SP, 48 Hours – (2012) in the Smith Gallery and Performance in the MAM masks Party – São Paulo Museum of Modern Art SP. From 2013 initiates research in Sound Art, and has been studying platforms, specific programs and developing projects of sound installations and research audios.

The motivations of my production have always been related to my observations and criticisms with power relations and their hierarchical differences. From these questions, there were discussions of topics limitations , lockups and strange liberties , magical peaceful solutions , or even physical representations of imaginary processes. My building process looking to move and experiment with different languages , with the latest production spatiality as strong result . Since the beginning of 2013 been developing research in Sound Art , where I have developed media production process and installative projects.
