Marcelo Armani


Marcelo Armani

(Carlos Barbosa/RS  1978)

Marcelo Armani is a sound artist, producer and electroacoustic improviser musician represented by the Spanish label Luscinia Discos. He spent part of childhood in rural areas and in the second half of the 80s, he moved to Canoas city metropolitan area of Porto Alegre/RS, changing periods between the school and the metal industry. In 1998, as a drummer, integrates groups inclined to punk and post-rock. In 2007, it began research on noise, through concrete music, electroacoustic and improvisation. He studied the degree colleges in Music at Methodist IPA and Mechanical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), but leaves both colleges to devote himself to art projects in 2011. That same year held the first projects in the field of sound art and visual arts, permeating concepts and poetic ready made, land art, situationism and conceptual art. Since then, Armani moves through different media, producing plastic construction and sound amplified in narratives hybridized devices, exposing the proposing provocative universes. Activators geographical issues, anthropological, consumer orders, occult, immersions social ghosts, friction, memories and ephemeral nature clippings. Participates actively in artistic residency programs and individual and group exhibitions in important museums, cultural centers, galleries, and urban spaces in Brazil and exterior. Currently, it also produces and articulate the electroacoustic improvisation project, Elefante Branco (White Elephant). Marcelo still lives and works in the city of Canoas.

Marcelo Armani is sound artist, producer and electroacoustic improviser musician. His projects portray political, social, religious, geographical and cultural issues, linked the man’s relationship with time and space in narratives that deal with the construction of sound ephemeral present mappings in human society network in its environmental and architectural conditions. The artist moves through different languages in their artistic processes, producing hybrids with sculpture, video art, performance, photography, literature and draw always intertwined with sound perceptions.

Their projects are articulated in multichannel sound installations, amplifying spatiality, plasticity, and the sensations of this invisible material. The artist uses a variety of techniques and processes in the composition of sound pieces and visual aids that approximates the present concepts in electroacoustic and concrete music, ready made, in conceptualism and LandArt. The pieces are the result of different records extracted from the acoustic landscape, using contact microphones, underwater and shotguns. These fragments are processed and manipulated through audio software and inserted into a dialogue with visual elements.

Armani works with immersions social ghosts. Searching the filters and the boundaries of mechanical actions hidden by the beliefs, the economic and cultural systems of “containment” of the expansion of human desires. A confinement that exposes a lifestyle of non-compliance in which the artist exposes his point of view, their friction that greed universe, practices and attitudes aimed at maintaining a poor class to support the comforts and ascents a minority.
